I’m sorry guys but we are under the heavy rain and so our server is. The server is unfortunately located under the ground of nice but wrongly designed building so the water penetrates in from time to time, and that’s the actual case.
Don’t wary as you can see page is still up, only the stream will be off for a while.
Here is the surprise. It might not surprise you but I’m ;)
I have thought of it for long long time, and wasn’t able to figure it out on which occasion to invite her. Now the right event is here, and guess what? Pamelia even agreed to come and play for us.
Those who do not read thes page regularily might not know who she is.
It’s easy. Pamelia Kurstin is the world best Theremin player ever.
She is well classical music educated so she can play even the classical gigs ..”Wowww” .. “don’t interrupt me“, she plays the most sad and touchy tones you cannot even imagine if you don’t have the experience sitting in front of her in place filled up be vibration so the whole room is fueled with thick heavy air so you can hardly breathe and your eyes are near to cry.
Here are few links so you might check out what the hell I’m rhapsodizing here.
Pamelia’s myspace
and simple search result on youtube.
This month or two will be most likely full of moo-cow news.
One of the them is that Head in Body excepted the invitation :D Which makes me soooo happyyy.
Head in body are group of two, with super touchy minimal but still full of interesting tone music. The super affected body movements expresses their music as accurate as the stillness of the other part of the group sitting in the corner looking for the right time when to bounce on something. All will be clear when the hit will cut the air of the cow house on the end of summer.
I have one more news already, but I’ll keep it for the next time, so to stretch the delight of receiving a gift.
Everything seems to go the right way. moo-cow is getting more and more performers.
for more info check out it’s growing page http://monkeyontheorb.org/moo-cow
Monkey on the orb with Petr Hájek would like to invite you to a shiny music event moo-cow.
This event is in the phase of planing, the schedule is is open, and so are we.
If you feel you want to play in front of people and are open to uncommon musical conjunctions then let us know will be happy to hear what you do, no matter what style you have or not.
> map of the location <
Here is a list of people who we would like to invite(musicians and artists generally):
on the way
jauf, Guma Guar, Jesus táhne na berlín, Muženy, Cabowitc,b acha de mental, radim radim , rbnx , Lubozvucne Konvalinky, Head in body, Pamelia Kurstin, theclosing, bara matya, Federsel, table, rootkit , marcela vorlickova, Marie – Theremin, materidouska , I LOVE 69 POPGEJU, mariuskonvoj, voiceovernoise, Micenko, over4tea, Graeme Mckinnon, miki ritchtein, joeb, ales cermak
on the way
Jakub nepras, Pebe, miszu, Valka
It could be because of the weather, or just the sun or who knows why the day puts on the night suite. This time we interviewed a multi media musician Natryx. I met her right on time, just before she leaves for Greece to her home town Athens. She is small… don’t know why small people are so cool lately.. with many experiences from various workshops she admire the most.
She operated for some time in Prague, participated on many events, begin from Divo’s center in Kolin, continues through the Transitdisplay and Skolska 28 Gallery. She plays on trumpet, radios, knives and forks, sings, preform here and there, make videos, organize concerts and many more she finds between dots and lines.
(the link on to “avatar“)
Her you are forty minutes of thoughts mixture.
Speaking of art and music or any other way of message transmission I have to admit one thing. Amid all the interesting musicians who played, plays and will play on Sperm festival I have experienced one performer who does things in the simplest and direct way in order to give us what he wants and that’s the core question; what the artist want to say and how it affects people. I wanted to ask him first what he want to say by his art, or music if you like , but then after the show it was pointless.
Because I still feel the answer. And that is; complete happiness.
Who wasn’t on his show cannot understand. Go ahead and give it try here or right on his site where he is not afraid to publish all his stuff, because he knows that the fruit seed lays somewhere else then to make a money out of cd’s.
Maine damen und heren, here you are Dan Deacon.
I think it’s pity that none of you know our most famous star who is vastly spread in many songs here on this radio. She is small in size but she shines already as none of us in her age could even imagined, ..btw. that’s same with her ;)
Milka is one of the grate source of inspiration mainly for ne I group, but soon she will come up with her own debut.
You can taste it here or listen more on the stream.