Sci-fi, horror movies or Beach boys, what they’ll be without Theremin?
Theremin is a first synthesizer ever, built by a Russian inventor Leon guess who… Theremin . Thou first synthesizer there is nothing of that kind since now. Almost 100 years pass and the Theremin is still unique rare instrument.
I’m a Theremin lover, just like many others bewitched by its simplicity that makes the instrument so hard to be played in the western scale, but impressively creative in many other ways. There are only few people in the world who are able to master Theremin. Luckily one of them lives nearby Prague, in Vienna. Pamelia Kurstin is one of the best Theremin player in the whole rounded world. She is able masters it in the orchestral heights and still open minded to play noise gigs of any sort. She is actually virtuous noizer :)
Thanks to many circumstances she’ll have a week long Theremin workshop where she will teach Theremin. Workshop is worthy for absolute beginners as well as absolute mad virtuosos who would like to be the best Theremin players of all.
on Shakuhachi festival of Japanese ad contemporary music
23-27. August 2013, Prague
official website: http://theremin.komuso.cz/
facebook fresh page: https://www.facebook.com/…
Korea. 21 century. Touch screens all over and the hobby motors are still IN.
Second contribution from the progressive gallery Skolska 28 is here.
Ryu Hankil is a sound artist who enjoys to develop a single idea way behind it’s borders. It reminds “us”(as we spoke about it with Erik) the Asian style of minimal stroke in one particular filed alike the progress in ceramic. They take one thing seriously from the beginning till the final breath. This way the are able to develop tiny, mini, pidi improvements who all in common make the final piece of art.
Sounds over poetic then it actually is (I think) but that’s our feeling regardless what I think of the importance of such music in our global contemporary “Hobby art age”.
It could be because of the weather, or just the sun or who knows why the day puts on the night suite. This time we interviewed a multi media musician Natryx. I met her right on time, just before she leaves for Greece to her home town Athens. She is small… don’t know why small people are so cool lately.. with many experiences from various workshops she admire the most.
She operated for some time in Prague, participated on many events, begin from Divo’s center in Kolin, continues through the Transitdisplay and Skolska 28 Gallery. She plays on trumpet, radios, knives and forks, sings, preform here and there, make videos, organize concerts and many more she finds between dots and lines.
(the link on to “avatar“)
Her you are forty minutes of thoughts mixture.
Speaking of art and music or any other way of message transmission I have to admit one thing. Amid all the interesting musicians who played, plays and will play on Sperm festival I have experienced one performer who does things in the simplest and direct way in order to give us what he wants and that’s the core question; what the artist want to say and how it affects people. I wanted to ask him first what he want to say by his art, or music if you like , but then after the show it was pointless.
Because I still feel the answer. And that is; complete happiness.
Who wasn’t on his show cannot understand. Go ahead and give it try here or right on his site where he is not afraid to publish all his stuff, because he knows that the fruit seed lays somewhere else then to make a money out of cd’s.
Maine damen und heren, here you are Dan Deacon.
Monkey On The Orb proudly presents the TMP party 19.11.2009 on Academy of Fine Art Prague.
It’ll be alternative, cruel, beautiful, pretty hate machine, Buñuel won’t believe it.
aaaaa almost forget, indeed there is a new song on OUR playlist… “Bike Cruel”
temporaryfile on myspace
20:00 – rootkit {oscillator & C64}
20:45 – ne I {teremin & iPhone}
21:30 – n0|Z—>f|lT3r {Pure Data performance}
22:15 – federsel {post-industrial art}
23:00 – alef-elekronik {acoustic ambient}
00:00 – fremeni {extreme disco}
HElloooo my friends, I know not much happened lately or might seams like, BUT Check this out!
Beginning form the eighteenth April continues to twenty-fifth April in the same Year will have an LIVE show. Every each of those days will make interviews with bunch Czech musicians, visual artists who ever they are speaking of their work opinions and things that warm them up. So, don’t forget to check this site soon for more info. ..btw haven’t you heard of the RSS ever? If you want to see them personally then come to meet us within given time in the Gallery at Vinohradský Pavilon 50, Prague 2.
Here are some of The Artists you can look forward to… Floex, Sterec, Frantisek Zachoval, Vilda Novak, Stanislav Abraham, Milan Gustar, Lukáš Hájek and much, much, much…