Huh, it has been a year already since we’ve noisied in the cow house on the moo-cow fest and so it’s right time to make something next.
This time 19-22. August this summer will introduce you few heavy technicist right in the house of the God in the Chapel Liběchov.
Although most of the info you can get is on the “home site” you probably don’t get the point since it is only in Czech and with text like images so any robot cannot read it…it’s like captcha, prove you are a human from Czech republic…anyway, here I’m writing about it in English so also people who have no glue what those pixles means.
Aside of the whole crazy loaded schedule of workshops and performances and who knows what there will be couple musicians finding a way how to resonate with God.
Obviously there will be ne I palyin, MARTIN JANÍČEK & PETR FERENC playin, Wolf translucent Playin, Gustar nosing & Cabowitz heavily hitting you ear membranes…aaand because my memory is getting sh.. I forgot to mention THE STAR Opuka will be playin too.
You can miss it… right, one more thing, take the sleeping bags and tents with you, they’ll be handy.

A busy man lately. He is one of the super active alternative musicians on the Czech podium.
Again, he is a visual artist who participates on many sound events in Prague gallery Skolska 28 a successor of the old Jeleni lab.
As it goes for visually thinking people he programs in Pure Data, vvvv and all that Open Source things ;)
His music is a process of evolution of a simple input transposed (mostly) in to a colorful noise, with visual feedback. This is a questionable issue. Sometimes the sound grows up simply out of the build for toys and the picture is a consequence of the gig. And sometimes the music is a result of the picture shaping turned in to a music parallel.
I’m sorry for he is so humble so not to make any propitiate summarized presentation, so I cannot give you a link :( But it could be a grate impulse to rise your ass up and meet us on moo-cow.
Everything seems to go the right way. moo-cow is getting more and more performers.
for more info check out it’s growing page
Those who sometimes click on Play button and right after the audio player gets the first unbearable hight tones or illusive silence fulfilled with this time super low tones could thing this radio won’t work, or it’s worthless to tune, But they are wrong indeed.
These feelings are base on common radio experience, BUT this is not like any other common radio and so Milan Gustar is the best example of an artist who mind nothing of ordinary listener less do I.
This time he is coming with new pieces of his Flex collection,
here is rough sketch what is it about:
Flex is a cycle of electro compositions.
It has been born in 1999, since then it tries to map sound possibilities and combinations of basic tones and noises. The common element is variability of tones and their parameters, such as tone level, tempo, sound color etc. One of the integral part of such a project is graphical output. Graphical scores are based on the particular sound structure or else the graphic model, or patter is the ground for the upcoming music, kind of sonification.
From my nut’s view it sounds like a ear wash. When the sound resonate with the room you sit in, it gets deep in your head where the sound stays and it warms up your ears inside out not giving them any chance to relax out of the constant vibration.
You have to be sort of nut as I’m to be able to listen such a destructive serenity.
Jack we call it here, is the most known audio-cable-tailpiece for most of us who has something to do with “music”.
Even when you want to make a good noise you have to have a good schielded cable which doesn’t add unwanted noise into the whole process ;]
Once upon a time in the deep woods of even deeper cannibalistic Slovak republic where they eat Americans just for pleasure, couple overeaten Slovaks together with even worst Czechs accidentally joined two “male” jacks. The whole audio system stacked on the beginning, then start to produce a hum, around 50Hz, that’s the frequency we in forgotten east have in our sockets. And what you think has happened?
As they where fully eaten up and happy they start to dance on that beat. Some of them in their deliriums where lucky and joined other Jacks this time in to female audio sockets and it all starts to produce grate quivers and trembles and so here is the result. A new song in our playlist. Here they are JACKJACK, that’s how they call them selfs since then.
Two days after the TMP party in Prague and more or less half a year after the Documunta in Zurich we have two new freaks and their work on the playlist. First is called Freak, and the second is none else then Federsel.
Look, horse riders are riding the sky. tomorrow will be nice and beautiful day.