Floex – Zorya

Hello my cute friends.
One of our friends Floex has posted free single from his new long time hoped album named Zorya.
First I thought it’ll be different this time but not, this all Floex again, you can’t be wrong when you hear it.
Those who likes melancholic tones slowly graduating in to the hearth braking tempo will be more then satisfied.

It’s funny how long such a music can take when you take it seriously as Floex does, but finally what differs the masterpiece from the average is the enormoust time investment when you felt couple years back is done already.
I wish I would be that rock-ribbed as him to be able to focus on music as he does.

I wont post the music here go to his website and download it from there….if you won’t find it there don’t wary it circulates on the stream already.