The Theremin Queen

theremin-2880I’m so delighted. It has been long long time I had born then played bass guitar hated frets, still cannot find a way how to play, then found an airbrush and its way of air…then there was a delay, some brain measure period and now, FINALLY have the air instrument Theremin, the Loop machine just sits on my table, Voice Box on the way and Pamelia Kurstin recording for free, wow. This all happened in the click of eons slightly transforming the pitch of the Internet waves into voice like sound kinda melancholic as we all are.

Thanks to where you can listen the whole Theremin story performed by the best Thereminist Pamelia Kurstin…

Don’t have a time to click on the link, then try our Play button ;)
By the way the record is under CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported, what ever.