
evil-deadMy favourite horror in 80′ were Roots, actually a movie with such a name and content doesn’t exist or is not found anymore…you know why..because its the EVIL DEAD ;] This Evil open up a horror saga and from then we where bound to horror movies continuing through Hellraiser and such.. the best ever is Fly.

This root kid :) I want to mention here is a musician composing music purely out of destruction. This music invokes Devil of the Digital world and once it grabs you you’ll never be a normal one. These Rootkit‘s recordings where captured on TMP creative destruction and now live on our stream under CC license.


tmpMonkey On The Orb proudly presents the TMP party 19.11.2009 on Academy of Fine Art Prague.

It’ll be alternative, cruel, beautiful, pretty hate machine, Buñuel won’t believe it.

aaaaa almost forget, indeed there is a new song on OUR playlist… “Bike Cruel
temporaryfile on myspace


20:00 – rootkit {oscillator & C64}
20:45 – ne I {teremin & iPhone}
21:30 – n0|Z—>f|lT3r {Pure Data performance}
22:15 – federsel {post-industrial art}
23:00 – alef-elekronik {acoustic ambient}
00:00 – fremeni {extreme disco}