[:en]Massive collection of recordings on-line

Úžasná kolekce ..

Calypso Concert 1946
Texas Gladden and Hobart Smith 1946
New York Blues Interviews 1947
Mississippi Prison Recordings 1947 and 1948
Mississippi and Texas Church Recordings 1948
Vera Hall 1948
New Orleans Jazz Interviews 1949
Jean Ritchie 1949 and 1950
Ireland 1951 and 1953
Scotland 1951, 1953, and 1957
England and Wales 1951-1958
Big Bill Broonzy 1952

Beats Unraveled

Ku..a! to zní skvěle!

CZ/SK Mix vol. II by Jara Tarnovski

Doslova hezká sbárka československého současného imporovizačního vyjádření zvukobijců současných dní.

Klasika v novém kabátě

Zbývá jen hluk

This book is tremendous, super heavy to read, especially for people who do not like dates and names that are coming and growing and you got lost after while but still… This book walks you through the big part of musical history and gives you many names .. actually .. you ca search then on youtube where ever and actually enjoy what you have never enjoyed before because you never understood it as you do once you read about it. It is really grate pile of valuable informations, it really puts me into things I never thought I would enjoy and I actually do now, so thumbs up.

The rest is noise
by: Alex Ross

A Matter Of Time

Rytmus, groove, vzorky, mřížka tyto spíše matematické struktůry jsou velmi lidské a jsou tím co nás chytne a rozhýbá v divoké šelmičky potící se na zemi v prachu se slastným úsměvem na rtech.
Tato útlá kniha kterou napsal John Lamb je dobrým vstupním kručkem v poznávání souvislostí jak funguje rytmus a jaký má vliv na lidsku bytost.
Neřek bych že by zrovna tahle kniha byla něčím bez čeho by sme se neobešli, každopádně přináší pár faktů a úvah nad kterýma je dobre se pozastavit.

A Matter Of Time
John Lamb

Sound in Z

Although the “Z” is still bit mystery to me the book is a wonderful enterprise to the early russian inventions their inventors and its political background that gives and stills their energy.
I have been reading this book while constantly shaking head not believing they could do what they had done. All the inventions they made in that time is just fascinating. If you count the political environment it all happened it is completely unbeliveable.
Sound recorded through light sensors, speech detections via window vibrations, picture transformation in to the music.. all things you might see in the recent art is all there, but century ago..

Must read it!

Sound in Z
by: Andrei Smirnov

Rhytm science

..I was looking for book related to rhytm, grooves and such.
Unfortunately the book is just a selfish egoistic crap full of contemporary words lacking any real meaning. The only thing you can get out of this book is a text trying portray how is DJ Spooky cool flying from place to place having money and how wise he is while mixing stuff on stage.

This overpriced junk is not worthy any penny. Buy some mp3 instead!

Rhytm science
by: Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid