Chapel Liběchov

Huh, it has been a year already since we’ve noisied in the cow house on the moo-cow fest and so it’s right time to make something next.

This time 19-22. August this summer will introduce you few heavy technicist right in the house of the God in the Chapel Liběchov.
Although most of the info you can get is on the “home site” you probably don’t get the point since it is only in Czech and with text like images so any robot cannot read it…it’s like captcha, prove you are a human from Czech republic…anyway, here I’m writing about it in English so also people who have no glue what those pixles means.

Aside of the whole crazy loaded schedule of workshops and performances and who knows what there will be couple musicians finding a way how to resonate with God.

Obviously there will be ne I palyin, MARTIN JANÍČEK & PETR FERENC playin, Wolf translucent Playin, Gustar nosing & Cabowitz heavily hitting you ear membranes…aaand because my memory is getting sh.. I forgot to mention THE STAR Opuka will be playin too.

You can miss it… right, one more thing, take the sleeping bags and tents with you, they’ll be handy.


detail_sketch_anastasia_wIt could be because of the weather, or just the sun or who knows why the day puts on the night suite. This time we interviewed a multi media musician Natryx. I met her right on time, just before she leaves for Greece to her home town Athens. She is small… don’t know why small people are so cool lately.. with many experiences from various workshops she admire the most.
She operated for some time in Prague, participated on many events, begin from Divo’s center in Kolin, continues through the Transitdisplay and Skolska 28 Gallery. She plays on trumpet, radios, knives and forks, sings, preform here and there, make videos, organize concerts and many more she finds between dots and lines.
(the link on to “avatar“)

Her you are forty minutes of thoughts mixture.