Even though I haven’t been in Karlsruhe and haven’t seen the SUSI GAMES I meet RISKONG.
Those who grew out in late 80′ especially close to the hearth of Europe knows the famous game PIN – PONG which my dad soldered DIY :) and we played on B&W TV. As the times went further mobiles became IN and SMS was the deal. At that time RISKONG with other people made the multiplayer mobile SMS game SUSIPONG.
You can chceck the concept by your self but waht you cannot do anywhere else then here is to listen the SUSIPONG sound composition. SUSIPONG conposition exclusivelly on MONKEY ON THE ORB.
HElloooo my friends, I know not much happened lately or might seams like, BUT Check this out!
Beginning form the eighteenth April continues to twenty-fifth April in the same Year will have an LIVE show. Every each of those days will make interviews with bunch Czech musicians, visual artists who ever they are speaking of their work opinions and things that warm them up. So, don’t forget to check this site soon for more info. ..btw haven’t you heard of the RSS ever? If you want to see them personally then come to meet us within given time in the Gallery at Vinohradský Pavilon 50, Prague 2.
Here are some of The Artists you can look forward to… Floex, Sterec, Frantisek Zachoval, Vilda Novak, Stanislav Abraham, Milan Gustar, Lukáš Hájek and much, much, much…