Here is the surprise. It might not surprise you but I’m ;)
I have thought of it for long long time, and wasn’t able to figure it out on which occasion to invite her. Now the right event is here, and guess what? Pamelia even agreed to come and play for us.
Those who do not read thes page regularily might not know who she is.
It’s easy. Pamelia Kurstin is the world best Theremin player ever.
She is well classical music educated so she can play even the classical gigs ..”Wowww” .. “don’t interrupt me“, she plays the most sad and touchy tones you cannot even imagine if you don’t have the experience sitting in front of her in place filled up be vibration so the whole room is fueled with thick heavy air so you can hardly breathe and your eyes are near to cry.
Here are few links so you might check out what the hell I’m rhapsodizing here.
Pamelia’s myspace
and simple search result on youtube.
Everything seems to go the right way. moo-cow is getting more and more performers.
for more info check out it’s growing page
I’m happy to invite you to /tmp/ Sound attack party where you can listen to you some known & unknow (only for those who do not listen our radio indeed) however interesting music individuals born, live and work in our central europiean suburb.
11/07/2008 Friday, 20:00-5:00, Bunkr Parukářka – Prague 3 – Žižkov
Tram/Bus 26, 9, 5, 55, 58, 136
Entry 100kč
20h00 / Juraj / minimalist reproduction (SK)
21h30 / Milan Guštar / experimental programing (CZ)
23h00 / AY-RIDERS / realtime 8-bit show (UK, PL, RUS a CZ)
00h30 / BBNU / turntablism (CZ)
20h45 / Voice Over Noise / noise positive (SK a CZ)
22h15 / Jack/Jack / anythingoes (SK)
23h45 / batcha de mental / melodramatic popular song (SK)
01h15 / Jack Jackson5 / submisivní DJ performance (SK a CZ)